Imagemagick with TIFF support – “no decode delegate for this image format”

I’ve been loving using Mac Terminal but I’d being having problem using ImageMagick with TIFFs.

I couldn’t get past : “no decode delegate for this image format” . I tried far too many overly-complex possibilities, and it was becoming a real time-suck so while this is a short post it took me far too much time to find this solution:

$ brew uninstall imagemagick


$ brew install libtiff


$ brew install imagemagick –with-libtiff


$ brew install imagemagick –build-from-source


Then to confirm it has worked:

$ convert -list configure

and check the DELEGATES list I now see:

DELEGATES      bzlib freetype jng jp2 jpeg png tiff xml zlib


Screen Shot 2013 09 09 at 21 54 46


(I gather a similar approach may work for Graphics Magick too)


Yet again, it was Stack Overflow which provided the eventual solution :