Video List:

As a family we’ve taken to watching 10 minutes of video before the bedtime story - the topics are often chosen by the kids, and we then see what we can find on Vimeo and YouTube, or we followed suggested videos linked from the ones we loved - it's amazing the level of creativity and entertainment that we often find, as we discover them I'll embed our favourites here (most recent at the top):

Alan Watts: Choice

Alan Watts: What if money was no object?

Captivating precision:
Orrery Construction Time Lapse – Seven Months in Seven Minutes

After a long break of family video time – this from Commander Hadfield has kept us mesmerised

— Space Oddity —

— The As If principle —

–Spellbinding 11 month engine rebuild —

— “Kuroshio Sea” by Jon Rawlinson —

— Move by Rick Mereki —

–Wille Yli-Luoma: Picture This by Brad Kremer —

— Incredibly long hotwheels track —
Each time we see it, we are still gob-smacked by the extents this family went to

— Team Hotwheels : with real full size car —

— The Mountain by TSO Photography —
After several back to bak watches/plays, I had to by the amazing Einaudi album that contains the song

— Drift : Jorian Ponomareff —
Amazing motorbike control

— Landscapes: Volume Two by Dustin Farrell —
One of my all time favourites – stunning music by Underworld, and a captivating perspective on the world in which we live.

— A Bridge Too Far by James Miller —
Jack especially loved this one:

— Carving the Mountains by Juan Rayos —

— The Sandpit by Sam O’Hare —
Where it all started – we were all mesmerised by this for quite some time, with the kids asking for it day after day.