Charters School Students gain Triple Success

"What a fantastic start to the new year" , stated Marcia Twelftree, Headteacher at Charters School as she learnt of the success of Michael Detyna, Matthew Streeter and Richard Ellis with their applications to Cambridge and Oxford Universities. All three have just learnt that they have been offered places to start degree courses in September. Steve Pratt-Head of Sixth Form-commented " Entry to these top universities is now even more competitive than it has ever been in the past. These students have worked very hard to get offers of places. Their achievement is exceptional"

A school spokesman added " These excellent results reflect not only the potential of Charters Students but also the hard work of staff in preparing them. I know that Marcia Twelftree took a personal interest and active role in the whole process, to the extent of laying on Headteachers tutorials on Friday afternoons."

Michael Detyna has been offered a place to read Natural Sciences at Selwyn College Cambridge, Matthew Streeter will read Natural Sciences and Chemical Engineering at Robinson College Cambridge whilst Richard Ellis will read Mathematics at St Catherines College Oxford.