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Charters School "gives very good value for money."
The school was inspected by a team from Ofsted in September 1996. These are a number of quotations taken from the main findings of the full inspection report.
�Charters School is a very good school with some outstanding features which include its excellent atmosphere and very good examination results. The school has worked hard to achieve its deserved success.� To find outwhat the inspectors said about each aspect of our school, please click on the links below;
ExaminationResults / Pupils' Progress / Teaching / TheCurriculum / Pastoral / Management
�Results in the tests taken at age 14 at the end of Key Stage 3 (KS3) are well above the national level and it is clear that the school enhances its pupils� attainment by this stage. This enhancement is further confirmed at the end of KS4 in its GCSE results, which are well above the national averages. Results have been improving over recent years, and reached their highest this year. The school maintains this high achievement in its A level results, which are well above average both for grades A and B and in all pass grades.�
�Pupils make good progress, at all ages and in most subjects. They profit from their lessons, and are alert, responsive and very supportive of their teachers and each other.�
�Behaviour and attendance are very good. Pupils value the education they receive. They are attentive and courteous around the school and give it their warm support.�
�Teaching is a strength of the school. It is assured and professional and is of good quality...........�
�It is good in the GCSE years, where examination demands bring out good planning, careful teaching and sound management skills.�
�.....there is much thoroughly good teaching at all levels, which helps pupils enjoy learning and make good progress. Teaching is characterised by the careful setting and marking of homework. The marking of work is regular and thorough.�
�The school�s curriculum is broad and well structured. Links with primary schools are well developed and careers guidance is very effective, with well constructed programmes of preparation for higher education.�
�The school provides well for the moral, social and cultural developmentof its pupils. The year system is ably led by committed year heads and their teams of tutors. Parents appreciate the care their children receive and the warm sense of community and purpose they perceive in theschool.�
�There is a good system of rewards and sanctions, and the school is an orderly, friendly place in which pupils know the difference between right and wrong, and act accordingly.�
�The Tirabad field study centre in mid-Wales plays a strong part in social development.�
�The welfare and health of pupils are well catered for. There is a sense of careful support at all levels, and very good links between the school and its community.�
�Management of the school�s financial resources is very efficient. Money is carefully managed and staff costings and deployment are sensible and economical. It manages all aspects of its life well, enabling its pupils to achieve very good results.�